10 Ways to Get Rid of Neck Fat Fast

Neck fat, also termed as turkey neck, many times, may bring your appearance down. Fatty neck affects the way you look. Is it hard to get rid of neck fat fast? Neck fat removal is not an easy thing. In fact, reduction of fat from any specific spot is a difficult thing.

Neck accumulates fat in a different way than other parts of the body that accumulates fat. In fact, excess fat in the neck is a clear sign of obesity. Neck fat removal is easy but you should focus on multiple solutions to lose neck fat. Fat elimination is something coolsculpting los angeles was designed for. The procedure removes the need for plastic surgery and involves innovative freezing technology; might be something worth keeping in mind. Here is the list of 10 simple ways to get rid of neck fat.

1. Neck Rotation

Neck connects the body and head. Literally, you don’t do anything to exercise the neck. Since this specific part remains inactive, it easily stores fat. Do simple neck rotations several times a day to activate the muscles and lose neck fat.

  • Sit or stand straight with erect back.
  • Rotating your head doesn’t count for neck rotation.
  • Tilt your head backward and you should see the ceiling.
  • Rotate your neck towards right and left shoulders, without changing the position of the neck.
  • It appears like half-moon rotation, from right to left and left to right.
  • It extends your neck backwards and stretches the muscles of the front neck. Do it for 15 to 20 times.
  • After completion of first set, bend your neck forwards, where your chin touches the chest.
  • Move your neck towards right and left side, try to touch the shoulders, without lifting the neck.

Do it for 15 to 20 times.

After completion, do full rotations; combine the back rotation and front rotation together. Do it for 15 to 20 times.

Repeat it thrice a day. In a few days, you will see the noticeable difference. It is one of the best neck exercises to lose neck fat. It also tones the neck and shoulders. In addition, it also reduce the neck stiffness and pain.

2. Stretch Your Neck To Lose Neck Fat

  • Stretching is the best way to lose neck fat by stimulating the muscles.
  • Tilt your head backwards and see the ceiling.
  • Lower your head towards the chest to the maximum extent possible.
  • Move your head right side and touch the shoulder with chin.
  • Repeat the same with left side.

This is one set of neck stretching exercise. Repeat it 10 to 15 times, three times a day.

get rid of neck fat

3. Resistance Exercise

This exercise helps reducing even the stubborn neck fat and shapes the back of the neck and shoulders.

Press your palm on the forehead and resist the same with your head.

Place the palm on the back of the head. Press it firmly on head and resist yourself by pushing your head towards palm.

Place the palm on the right side, just above the ear lobe. Press with your palm and resist with your head.

Repeat the same with left side.

Repeat this set for 10 times.

4. Neck Stretching With Support

If you have difficulty in stretching your neck back, front and sides, you can do it with ease. Get support from your hands.

Intertwine the palms and place it on the back of the neck. Gently push your neck towards the chest and try to touch the chin.

Tilt your head backwards without changing the position of the arms. As you stretch your neck backwards, try to bring your arms together.

Do it for 10 times.

5. Pump up your potassium to lose neck fat

Water retention is one of the major reasons that lead to neck fat accumulation. Increase the potassium intake to reduce water retention and the flabby neck. Potassium is rich in bananas, nuts and seeds.

6. Embrace an anti-aging diet

Accumulation of fat in neck is also a sign of aging. So, change your diet routine and embrace an anit-aging diet.

Include a lot of fruits in your diet.

Skip coffee and choose green tea or herbal tea.

Add a lot of herbs and spices in your diet.

Use millets instead of wheat and rice.

Enhance intake of vitamin C, the anti-aging vitamin, which is rich in citrus fruits, spinach, etc.

7. Massage your neck

As mentioned above, the inactive neck needs some kind of stimulation to lose fat. Massage the neck to get rid of neck fat fast. You’ll find that massaging neck is very easy and you can do it any time. As this is an area hard to reach on your own, you may need to look into a massage austin. Done by a professional, this will make sure you massage your neck properly.

Put coconut or olive oil or any moisturizing lotion and apply it on palm or neck.

Gently massage the neck in circular movements.

Massage downwards, starting from chin towards the collarbone.

Massage from the base of the skull and move it downwards.

Do it gently for 2 or 3 minutes.

Massaging neck every night helps you wake up fresh with the flat neck.

Doing this every night will reduce the likelihood of getting a saggy, wrinkly neck however if you do start to notice sagging, check out neck lift surgery in Philadelphia.

8. Do facial massage to drain the lymph nodes

Due to poor circulation, neck cells and muscles become weaker and flabby. To get rid of neck fat, you should also massage the facial muscles to drain the lymph nodes, which creates swelling of face and neck.

9. Swimming

Swimming is the best way to reduce neck fat. In fact, swimming is the whole body exercise and tones and shapes your body. Besides reducing neck fat, you can learn swimming to stay in shape and in good health.

10. Lose Weight To Lose Neck Fat

The best way to lose neck fat is losing the weight. When you gain weight, stomach neck is the two prominent places that accumulate a lot of fat. All your attempts to lose weight help you in reducing neck fat. Eat balanced and healthy foods that do not skip any nutrients.

Quick Tips To Reduce Neck Fat Fast

  • Reduce intake of salt and avoid eating processed foods, which are high in salt.
  • Don’t drink water at night, just before you go to bed. Drinking water at night leads to facial swelling and it also lead to swelling of the neck.
  • Although the exercises are effective in getting rid of neck fat, overall change in diet is essential.
  • There are certain health conditions that lead to swelling of face and neck. Check if you have any health problems to address.
  • Focus on improving your health on a whole. Hormonal deficiencies, say low level or high level thyroid impact the neck a lot and lead to accumulation of fat in neck.
  • Include a lot o fiber in your diet.
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