How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Overnight Fast

Despite its prevalence during puberty, acne is seemingly becoming a concern among people of all ages, especially due to the unattractive scars it leaves behind – which, as we all know, are very difficult to address. While pimples can be quickly removed using a couple of natural ingredients everyone can grab from their own kitchen, acne scars can be very bothersome, and most women fail to hide them using makeup. You could spend hours looking for the perfect remedy on how to improve adult acne but it is so difficult to find the best way.

Acne scars result during the healing process, which naturally occurs as acne clears, when your body attempts to repair the damage caused to the skin and tissues behind it. During this process, your body produces collagen, a substance that supports proper tissue repair – if not enough (or too much) collagen is produced, scars will form, and they can be either depressed (with pits), or raised. The question you will probably ask is: can you get rid of acne scars overnight fast?

We Gathered 10 Best Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars Fast:

1.) Use Aloe Vera to Support Healthy Skin Regeneration at Cellular Level to Get Rid of Acne Scars

People have been utilizing aloe vera for centuries due to its powerful antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral and disinfectant properties, which seem to be particularly effective at supporting healthy skin regeneration at cellular level. When applied topically, aloe vera can deeply moisturize the skin and heal damaged tissues, which make it an essential anti-scar ally. Take an aloe vera leaf, remove the green peeling, and apply the white gel inside on those areas with acne scars. Allow it to penetrate into your skin for about half an hour, then carefully wash it off using warm (not hot!) water. Pat your face dry with a soft, clean towel. For optimal results, you should repeat this two times a day – once in the morning, and once at night, before you go to bed. You may mix your typical skin moisturizer with aloe vera gel, apply it to acne-scarred skin, and leave it overnight – your face will be softer and firmer in the morning, whilst the scars will become less visible.

2.) Stimulate Skin Repair with Baking Soda to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Baking soda has dozens of properties that make it a must-have in your kitchen, but probably the most important one is its ability to stimulate skin repair due to its mild exfoliating properties. The gentle coarse granules of baking soda will help get rid of dead cells that dull your complexion when mixed with water, hence improving the appearance of your skin. Mix a few tablespoons of making soda with enough water to achieve a consistent paste, then massage your skin using this mixture for up to three minutes, focusing mostly on acne scars. Leave the mixture on your face for a few minutes, and wash off with warm water. Apply your typical moisturizer to finish the process. Baking soda can severely dry off your skin when applied to often, so make sure to use this acne scars treatment only one or two times a week, but before you go to bed, as cell regeneration is enhanced at night.

3.) Rely on a Lemon Facial Mask to Rebuild Collagen

As mentioned already, acne scars form when your body is unable to produce enough collagen to help repair the damage caused by acne. Vitamin C is a natural stimulant of collagen, and using it externally can make the scars appear lighter, especially if you utilize it along with honey and almond oil in this ultra-potent facial mask. Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of almond oil and 1 tablespoon of milk, blend all ingredients well, and apply this mixture on the scars every day for up to 10 days. Once this time has passed, you should be able to spot a notable difference in how the acne scars look. Alternatively, you can consider using plain lemon juice to treat pimple scars. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, and apply it to the scar-plagued areas of your skin with your fingertips. If your skin is sensitive and prone to drying, dilute lemon juice with rose water, which has a calming effect that will not diminish its efficiency. For a plus of antioxidants and other nutrients that can improve skin structure, mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with 1-2 teaspoons of vitamin E oil.

4.) Use Honey Whenever Possible to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Apart from sweetening your beloved morning cup of coffee or tea, honey can also help fight against pimple scars – and studies have shown that using it on a regular basis can result in significant improvements in how your skin will look and feel. Some people enjoy using blue light therapy alongside it to improve the results. Honey can be included in a myriad of homemade treatments for acne scars, and probably its most common use is along with oatmeal. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1/4 cup of oatmeal, and apply this mixture on those areas where acne scars are prevalent. Leave it there for approximately 15-20 minutes, and wash it off with lukewarm water. You may consider using one tablespoon of honey in conjunction with half a teaspoon of cinnamon, and applying this mixture on the scarred skin. Though it is recommended to leave it there for just an hour, you can leave it overnight as well, because cinnamon will accelerate cell regeneration, hence causing the scars to heal quickly. For a homemade remedy with a mild exfoliating effect, try mixing honey and aspirin. The salicylic acid contained in aspirin is commonly used to treat a large number of skin conditions, and researchers have shown it to improve skin texture and appearance in people dealing with acne scars, too. At the same time, aspirin has a slightly gritty texture that makes it just perfect for a quick – and profound – night exfoliation.

5.) Remove Bacteria and Fight Irritation with Sandalwood and Rose Water

10 ways to get rid of acne scars overnight fast

Acne Scars

Rose water can make a wonderful – and extremely fine – perfume, but it can also fight against acne and the unattractive scars it leaves behind. In conjunction with sandalwood, rose water will reduce skin irritation and get rid of bacteria, hence contributing to tissue repair much faster. Mix rose water and sandalwood glue until they are fully incorporated, and apply this mixture on your acne scars. You can even add a few drops of tea tree oil to this as well, as this ingredient can help prevent dark spots and help get rid of texture. If you are not sure where you can get tea tree oil, thanks to the internet, companies like Rouh Essentials have made it easy for anyone to get their hands on this very versatile and effective product. It is worth a try, especially as it has many benefits to the skin.

Leave this treatment work overnight, and don’t forget to wash it off with cold water in the morning. You might add a bit of lemon juice in the mixture above to give it a slightly bleaching effect, which will gradually diminish the scars.

6.) Apply a Mixture of Cucumber Juice and Yogurt to Lessen Acne Scars

Using yogurt has a myriad of desirable effects when it comes to lessening acne scars, as this ingredient contains lactic acid, which is rich in natural alpha hydroxy acids, subsequently reviving your skin and evening your complexion. On the other hand, cucumber is a rich source of vitamins A, B1, and C, not to mention that it can provide a relieving effect to reduce inflammation, redness, swollenness, and improve the appearance of your skin. Put a cucumber in your blender, and smash it until you obtain a fine pasta. Stir in yogurt, and mix until both ingredients are completely blended. Apply this concoction on your scar-plagued skin, let it sit for no longer than 15-20 minutes, and then wash it off with warm water. If you do not have both ingredients handy, consider using them individually. Whether you apply cucumber juice of yogurt, make sure to leave it on your face for just 15-20 minutes, then eliminate it with warm water. Pat dry with a clean towel.

7.) Support Collagen Production and Cell Repair with Orange Peel

Orange peel doesn’t only smell good, it also supports your body’s collagen production, facilitating cell repair as well. Moreover, orange peel is a source of retinol, an ingredient that promotes natural skin exfoliation by removing dead cells at the surface of the skin. When applied topically, retinol can invigorate the appearance of your skin, helping remove acne scars, and bringing light to your look. Remove the peel of an orange, then put it under the sun to dry it. Another alternative is a food dehydrator – you need to dry the orange peel completely, so you can later crush it to make a fine powder. Add enough rose water to make a consistent pasta, then apply it to your acne scarred skin. Wash it off after a couple of minutes, and apply a bit of moisturizer for optimal results.

Diet Changes to Make to Get Rid of Acne Scars

8.) Eat More Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Making diet changes is also necessary to support healthy skin repair, and get rid of acne scars overnight fast. Furthermore, adopting specific lifestyle habits can help prevent acne scars in the future, which is of paramount importance to keeping your skin flawless and bright. According to the experts at Acne Care Tips, fatty acids have antioxidant properties that reduce inflammation and maintain the skin very flexible at the same time. There are a myriad of foods that contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, and some of the healthiest you should include to your nutrition are anchovies, tuna, salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel. For instance, 3-ounce portion of Atlantic tuna packs a whopping 2,130 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, as stated by Nutrition Data.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Acne Scars

However, fish is not the only source of fatty acids, and some other foods that contain them are walnuts, almonds, seeds and pistachios. Barley, whole wheat, oats, oat bran, brown rice, wheat bran and quinoa also contain omega-3s, as reported by both Nutrition Data and Acne Care Tips.

9. Include More Vitamin A to Your Diet to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Along with zinc, vitamin A is another important nutrient you should include to your diet, which operates as an antioxidant – one that is essential to healthy skin, according to the experts at NIH. Generally, vitamin A can be found in red meat, eggs, and whole-fat dairy products, but you should not eat very much of them considering the large amounts of bad (LDL) cholesterol and saturated fats they also pack. Plant-based sources of vitamin A are preferable because they do not contain any fat, which makes them much healthier – not to mention that many of them are rich in nutrients and vitamins that support proper skin repair. These include apricots, pink grapefruit, cantaloupe, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, sweet potatoes, spinach and other dark leafy greens, which contain plentiful of vitamin A.

10. Cut Back on Caffeine to Get Rid of Acne Scars

no more coffee

Caffeine is an ally that helps you accomplish all of your day-to-day duties to the expected level, yet it can also negatively influence the way your skin heals once acne is cleared. Studies have found that caffeine can dehydrate the body, which will make your skin more prone to pimple scars, and prevent proper healing once they show up. Avoid drinking more than 2 small cups of coffee a day – if possible, switch to a decaffeinated brand, which preserves the same unmatched taste of coffee without compromising its energy-boosting capacities. Some tea varieties might contain caffeine as well, and these include black, green, and white tea. No more than a cup a day is permitted, especially if you are already drinking 2 small cups of coffee every day.

Other Useful Tips to Get Rid of Acne Scars:

  • Don’t expose the acne scars to sun, as this will only slow down the healing process, and make them darker – which will make them more visible to others. If you don’t have a choice, make sure to protect your skin using a potent sunscreen and applying it in a thick layer.
  • Don’t touch the scars. Touching them can lead to further inflammation and damage, not to mention that it will cause a loss of collagen, hence resulting in deeper and more visible scars.
  • Cleanse your face every day using a product that works best for your skin type. This will help stave off infections caused by bacteria or dirt buildup in your pores, helping your skin heal faster.
  • If the acne scars are becoming an issue or are having an effect on someone’s self-confidence, it may be worth doing some research into something as simple as Skin Care by Robyn, in the hopes of finding a skincare specialist, as they can hopefully give you the care you need that could reduce the appearance of the acne scars.
  • When you are dealing with acne scars, do your best to stay away from makeup products and cosmetics for some time. They contain harmful ingredients that can result in irritation, inflammation, redness, and swollenness, making your face skin appear even more unattractive, and halting the healing process.
  • Drink plenty of water a day to keep your body moisturized, and also help flush out toxins and bacteria.
  • Exercise more often to relieve stress and avoid its subsequent hormonal changes, which might worsen the pimple scars. If running or lifting weights are not your favorites, consider doing 15-20 minutes of yoga a day, which will also contribute to keeping yourself fit.
  • Coconut water can facilitate the healing of acne scars. You can either drink it, or dab a cotton pad/ball in it and gently apply it to your scar-plagued skin.

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2 Responses

  1. Nujaree Raum says:

    I have very visible, extensive
    scars, and DermalMD Scar Treatment Serum is the only product I’ve tried that is making headway
    against them. I am not willing to pay tons of money, so I was very happy
    to find an affordable product that does indeed work.

  2. Sagar Wise says:

    I have used DermalMD serum for some years, I scar badly, and the serum helps diminish the appearance.