10 Ways To Get Rid Of A Uti Fast And Naturally

UTI or Urinary Tract Infection can be a disaster and people suffering from this disease are best aware of this. UTI not only snatches one’s sleep, but can also prove to be utterly dangerous, if not treated properly. So, before it becomes much serious and uncontrollable, a quick and effective treatment is always necessary to kill the bacteria. According to a number of researches conducted in the recent years, UTI has been identified as the second most infectious disease in the whole world.

As seen in most of the cases, people with such complicacy often rush to the doctor right away and quite naturally, they are given strong antibiotics to fight the condition. But, what they do not know is the common antibiotics prescribed by these physicians may give may help to get rid of a UTI fast, but can never provide permanent solutions, for the simple reason that the antibiotics can hardly destroy the microbes causing such infection. So, why do not you try some natural treatments for UTI? It will not only give you a soothing reprieve, but also provide a permanent way out to the problem.

1. Cranberry Juice

When it comes to UTI, Cranberry juice is perhaps the best remedy you should always opt for. It will not only help you combat the microbes in the finest manner, but also make sure that the bacteria does not attack you soon at any time. Cranberry capsules are available at every medical shop. You can take the capsules twice a day or you can try cranberry juice as well. Drinking plenty of this substance will flush out all the bacteria causing such symptoms. Cranberry juice for UTI is now prescribed by doctors as well. Still, it’s recommended not to take the liquid, in case you are suffering from blood thinning problem.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda for UTI is also suggested by many of them who have been highly benefited by the potion. It’s one of the best natural remedies ever known for this disease. By defusing the acidic components in your urine, baking soda accelerates the recovery process in the finest manner. It also detoxifies and cleans up the kidney, thereby providing an instant healing of the organ. So, if you are just writhing in pain and looking for some effective solution right away, taking baking soda would be the smartest act on your part. Add 2-3 tablespoons of the soda, mix it in cold water and consume the substance before it gives you a heavenly relief.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar for UTI is also very helpful and, especially if you are on the lookout for a permanent solution, waste no time of yours to go to the market and purchase a bottle of ACV. Being a powerful health potion, Apple Cider Vinegar works as the best natural anti-viral and thus, suggested to be used for fungal as well as bacterial infections. Also, by recolonizing the digestive system, this liquid reduces the chance of being attacked by such microbes to a great extent. The best part is that ACV is available in the market at a very cheap price and it lasts for long. So, you are saved from the tension of checking its expiry date every now and then.

Take 1-2 tablespoons of ACV, mix it with filtered water and take the blend at least twenty minutes before you have your meal. Do it regularly without any fail. You will see the effects soon.

get rid of a uti

4. Water

Yes, it’s simply the water!! Another best way you can prevent the Urinary Tract Infection is by drinking plenty of water. Make it a habit to take a glass of fresh water in every hour. Drinking a plentiful of water will make you urinate profusely and this can rinse out the bacteria totally. Also, it’s worth suggesting that never hold back your urine. It not only causes UTI, but aggravates the situation even more. It eggs on the bacteria to breed immensely and worsens the condition. So, drink an ample amount of water daily and stay healthy!

5. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are also known for fighting the bacteria the best. Due to its high water-content, it has every potential to provide you with the extra fluid when you are not drinking enough water. So, rather than munching on a candy bar every now and then, why don’t you make it a habit to eat a cucumber daily?

6. Heat

When you are literally cramped up due to the irritating pain of UTI, putting some heat on your lower abdomen can give you a swift relief. A hot bag is best recommended in this regard.

7. Ginger Tea

Take a cup of hot ginger tea. It will not only give you a quick respite from the pain, but also reduces the chance of relapsing the twinge. Its natural content diminishes the current inflammation and lessens the pain.

8. Blueberries And Pineapple

Blueberries and pineapple are also very effective and can fight the microbes the best. A daily habit of taking blueberry or pineapple juice can actually help you to a great extent.

9. Lemon

As we all know, lemon is rich in Vitamin C and thus, has every power to kill the bacteria. A glass of fresh lime juice always helps in such condition.

10. Celery Seeds

Chewing a handful of celery seeds also aids a lot. It acts as a diuretic and helps you combat UTI in the finest way.

Some Effective Tips That Would Help You Prevent UTI:

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Switch to a healthier habit.
  • Quit smoking and drinking.
  • Always stay hygienic.
  • Clean the genital area properly every time you pee.
  • Use good quality underwear.
  • Don’t use such clothes that cause irritation on your skin.

  • Wear loose undies while sleeping.

Follow these simple tips and you will certainly be able to fight the UTI. Yes, natural remedies can actually cause wonders while a mere course of antibiotics will only give you a temporary relief. Both men and women can try these out, as these tips are addressed to everyone (irrespective of gender) suffering from this disease. So, what are you wasting your time for? Start living a healthier life and fight UTI the best!!

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