10 Ways To Get Rid Of Eczema On Hands Fast

Eczema on hands can be a nightmare for those suffering from it. It is also known as hand dermatitis and it’s a prevalent condition with 10 out of 100 people having it. It is a painful condition to have and it also hurts your hand’s aesthetics.

Redness, itching, and blisters are just some of the symptoms that come with it. There are many ways to treat or get rid of eczema, with some people stating that using the best CBD oil from somewhere similar to Blessed CBD could help. Follow the next 10 ways to get rid of eczema on hand fast along with the tips to improve your condition.

1. Salt and Magnesium Spray

This remedy should be used when the eczema is wet. Sea water is full of great minerals for this condition. It has plenty of magnesium and salt. In case you live near the ocean, you can easily put some sea water in a bottle and apply it in your hands two to three times a day. If you don’t live near the sea, you can make your own spray by mixing one spoon of sea salt with a small portion of magnesium flakes and then stir them in hot water. Wait until the water has cooled down before applying it.

2. Magnesium Bath

Again, magnesium is the king of eczema on fingers and hands remedies. If you have a bathtub, you can add Epsom salt to it and enjoy start enjoying its benefits. If you feel that baths make your eczema worse, you can also try applying magnesium oil on your hands right after you take your daily shower(s), to learn more about how magnesium oil can help with eczema search online for magnesium oil australia.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is very inexpensive and can do wonders to your skin. The way it works is that it goes through it and fills intercellular spots. This in turns helps in moisturizing your skin and lessen irritation caused by eczema fast. Before applying coconut oil, you should wash your hands and dry them with a clean towel. Then, you can apply it as needed.

eczema on hands

4. Oatmeal Baths

Topical oatmeal refreshes and nourishes the skin as no other food item out there. Oatmeal fights inflammation and reduces itchiness in general. Make sure to introduce the oatmeal as you are filling the bathtub as this will give the water a milky consistency. Take a bath for around 10 to 15 minutes and then dry yourself with a clean towel. Optionally, apply a moisturizer of choice at the end.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile is a tea with excellent properties to treat eczema on hands and calluses on hands. It has levomenol, a type of natural alcohol that has been proven to reduce irritation and fight bacteria. Taking a tea bath will allow your hands to enjoy its benefits. You can choose to just soak your hands in chamomile tea or insert all of your body in a bathtub depending on what other eczema spots you may have on your skin. Make sure the water is very hot when pouring the chamomile in it so that most of it gets absorbed.

6. Honey

If what you want is to heal from your hands’ eczema fast, there is hardly a better ingredient than honey. It helps in your hands’ restoration at the same time it keeps germs away and moisturizes your skin. Honey shouldn’t be applied all over your hands. The stickiness sensation is not pleasant at all. Rather, you should apply thin layers of it only in the affected areas. Let it on your hands or fingers for 20 minutes and then wash your hands. Repeat this process three times a day.

7. Green Clay

Green clay is full of minerals including magnesium, calcium, and iron which provide a proper nourishment to the skin in your hands and fingers. It is one of the best remedies to use if you have open sores and feel an inner urge to scratch them – which could make matters worse. Mix green clay with half a cup of water until you get a paste that has a creamy appearance. As soon as you do this apply it to your sores and then let it dry for a few minutes. Then, soak your hands in water to get it off and then pat your hands and fingers gently with a cloth.

8. Fish Oil

Omega 3 has been praised for having numerous health benefits. Fish oil contains a large amount of omega 3 which is more often than not deficient in metabolite fatty acid breakdown rates. You can buy fish oil in capsule form and take from one to three capsules a day with a meal. Fish oil can also come in liquid form. In this case, take one spoon a day. If you think that the taste is not good – which is usually the case, mix it with orange juice to make it better.

9. Probiotics

Our diets lack probiotics because we don’t ferment them as they used to do several years ago. Probiotics improve gut health and skin health too. By nourishing your body with probiotic-rich foods you can improve your eczema dramatically. We are what we eat and eczema is no exception to the rule. Nowadays you can find products containing a large number of probiotics, especially some yogurts. Although other tips listed above combat this health issue from the outside, it should be combated from the inside as well.

10. Vitamin Intake

Along with probiotics, you can get rid of eczema fast by supplying your body with synthetic vitamins. The most important vitamins for this condition are:
– Vitamin A- Vitamin B3 (niacin)- Vitamin B12- Vitamin C- Vitamin E

Othe Useful Tips to get Rid of Eczema on Hands Fast

  • Watch your diet. Avoid unprocessed foods which may have components that can trigger your eczema. Going natural and if possible organic is the best choice.
  • Keep stress levels down. Stress affects the skin and its ability to heal itself. Change your lifestyle to one that promotes relaxation.
  • Sleep enough. Usually, 8 to 10 hours a day of sleep is considered the norm. Lack of sleep has been shown to decrease the skin’s ability to strengthen its barrier. As a result, the skin may become more irritable and susceptible to outer influences.
  • Make sure you follow the 10 ways to avoid eczema on hands fast regularly as they are not just one-time event healing methods.
  • Avoid dry and cold temperatures. Dry skin resulting from cold weather can trigger eczema is some people.
  • Use indoor moisturizers to make your home’s ambiance more friendly towards your skin.- Keep your home clean so dust won’t affect your condition.
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