10 Ways to Get Rid Of Head Lice Fast and Naturally

Head lice can make you very uncomfortable, but there are many ways you can use to get rid of them which you can apply at home. Some of the benefits of applying home remedies include saving on money. The home remedies will involve use of simple ingredients available at home to kill the head lice.

They consist of simple ingredients which will not react with your body in any way. This makes them among the best strategies which you can use if you will like to avoid side effects associated with application of harsh chemicals.


1.) Apply Vinegar

Vinegar has high amount of acetic acid. The acid is very helpful in killing head lice. The method is very easy to apply; you will just mix vinegar with mineral oil and apply to your scalp before you sleep. To prevent spread of the mixture to your bedding, you can cover the head with a shower cap. The following morning you will wake up and wash your head with your regular shampoo. The mixture will kill the lice making them fall off when washing your head. You can repeat the process about three times in a week for a period of two months and the head lice will stop causing you discomforts.


2.) Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is among the home remedies which you can apply to get rid of head lice naturally. The treatment works by suffocating them. You will just have to coat your hair with mayonnaise. After coating the head, then cover tightly with a plastic or a shower cap. After covering the head with a shower cap, just leave it covered for about five hours. After five hours you will have to wash the head with your regular shampoo. After the hair is dry, you can comb the hair to remove the dead lice. After repeating the process once a week for two months, you will eliminate head lice naturally.


3.) Coconut Oil

Application of coconut oil will suffocate the lice and eventually kill them. The process is very simple, just warm about three tablespoons of coconut oil and apply the oil on your scalp. You can mix the oil with camphor before the application. When applying, you can massage the scalp so that the oil will spread all over. After applying the coconut oil, you will have to cover the head with a shower cap and leave it overnight. The next morning you will have to wash your hair with your regular shampoo to remove the suffocated lice. After repeating the process in five consecutive days, you will easily get rid of the disturbing pests.

head lice pictures

4.) Onions

Onions are rich in sulfur which is very effective in killing head lice. Just grind about five onions in a food blender and make a paste. After blending the onions, you will then have to squeeze them between sieves so that you will extract the juice. After extracting the juice, massage your scalp using the juice and cover the hair with a shower cap. After covering the hair, leave it covered for a period of about two hours after which you will wash off the onion juice with your regular shampoo and lukewarm water. After the hair is dry, comp it well to remove the dead lice. After repeating the process in three consecutive days you will get rid of the lice from your hair.


5.) Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural insect killer which will work very well in eliminating head lice. It has soothing effects which will make your head feel good. In order to apply the oil, just mix about five drops of the oil in an ounce of a shampoo. After making the mixture, you will have to apply it on the scalp and let it rest there for about 30 minutes after which you will wash off and comp the hair. The tea tree oil is very strong hence you should use it with care to avoid irritation.


6.) Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is acidic hence very effective in getting rid of head lice. It also works very well if you will like to prevent infestation especially after you discover people near you have been affected by head lice. You will have to apply fresh lemon juice to the scalp and leave it to rest on your head for about 30 minutes. After applying the juice, wrap the head with a thick towel and leave the oil in position for about an hour after which you will wash it off using your regular shampoo. Repeat the process in five consecutive days and you will be free from head lice.


7.) Neem

Neem has moisturizing properties which will help in the healing process of your lice affected scalp. The herb is very effective in killing lice. It has properties which will make your scalp heal naturally. The application process is very easy; just apply a paste of need leaves on the affected hair. After applying the neem leaves paste to the hair, just massage so that the paste can settle on the scalp. Leave it to dry after which you will wash it off. After the paste is dry, just wash off and dry the hair after which you will comb it. Repeating the process once in a week for a period of about two months you will eliminate head lice naturally from your hair.


8.) Rubbing Alcohol

Alcohol containing 70 percent isopropyl can easily kill the lice. Just bend over a basin and pour the alcohol on your head. You can use your fingers to spread it to the scalp. After applying the treatment, leave it in position for about five minutes after which you will wash the hair with a shampoo and comb to remove the dead lice.

get rid of head lice

9.) Petroleum Jelly

Thick layers of petroleum jelly on your hair will suffocate the lice and eventually kill them. When about to sleep just apply enough petroleum jelly to the air. Cover with a shower cap and the next morning wash it off. By repeating the process once in a week for a period of two months you will get rid of the lice.


10.) Almonds

Almonds are very effective in getting rid of head lice at home. Just soak 10 almonds in water overnight. In the morning you will have to grind them into a thick paste. After making the paste, mix with three table spoons of lemon juice. By applying the mixture on the scalp thoroughly and leaving it for about two hours, it will kill the head lice. You can wash the mixture with cold water after the process. For effective results, apply the mixture once in a week for two months.

10 Home Remedies for Head Lice

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