10 Ways To Get Rid Of Oily Hair Fast

Does your hair look oily in the middle of the day or by the end of the day? The skin on the head produces oil to keep the hair and the scalp healthy. However, if there is too much oil on your scalp or hair in the middle of the day, it is highly likely that your skin is producing too much oil.

This imbalance can will always make you feel like you should wash your hair all the time. Luckily, there are certain things that you can do that will help you deal with this problem. Here are the 10 ways to get rid of oily hair fast:

1. Wash Your Hair With Shampoo Every Day

You have to wash your hair every day if you want to keep it from becoming too oily. You should not just use any shampoo. You must find a shampoo that is meant for greasy or oily hair. It’s important to try different brands to find one that is suitable for you, check out davines a single shampoo for example which may be exactly what you need. Most shampoos that are meant for oily hair contains sulfates. These shampoos have become unpopular over the past few years because of the fears that sulfates can cause hair and skin damage. However, you should give these products a try and immediately switch to sulfate free shampoos if your skin is irritated. Which shampoo should you use then? Try out different products, which ones do you like and which ones don’t you? You’ll be able to work out the answer for yourself! Avoid products that are meant to make your hair shine because they can make things worse for you.

2. Create A Dry Shampoo

If you want to be able to reduce oily hair, you should not hesitate to create a dry shampoo. You can make an effective hair shampoo from talcum powder or cornstarch. When creating the dry shampoo statically less people are choosing to use talcum powder. This is due to various case studies which have been carried out which have previously suggested that there is such a thing as ‘talcum powder cancer’, this is moving people towards using cornstarch for safely. For more information, you should have a look into, medtruth.com. The dry shampoo will prevent oil from getting to your hair. Baby powder can also serve this purpose. Sprinkle a little of this powder on you scalp and brush it off immediately. Dry shampoo is not only a quick fix. It will greatly help to improve the look of your hair.

3. Rinsee Your Hair Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has very many uses. If you did not know, it is also good for you when you have oily hair. It is one of the best oily hair remedies that you should take advantage of. Add a few drops of apple cider vinegar into a cup of water. Apply this solution to your hair to get rid of the excess oil. You should then rinse your hair using clean water after few minutes, you should do this two to three time every week if you want to get the best results.

get rid of oily hair

4. Rinse Your Hair In Beer

This may be hard for most people to believe; beer is one of the best things that you can use to rinse your hair when you want to get rid of the excess oil. It will not only help you to remove excess oil from your hair and scalp, it will also help to make your hair lustrous and beautiful. Mix a cup of beer with two cups of water and use the solution to rinse your hair after cleaning it. You should use beer on your hair at least once a week.

5. Soak Your Hair In Vodka

Vodka is effective when used to dry out the hair. Just like beer, dilute a cup of vodka with two cups of water. Use the mixture to rinse your hair. Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes and then rise it off. You will immediately notice that your hair is less oily than it was before when you rinse it in a mixture of vodka and water.

6. Apply Egg Yolk To Your Hair

You have probably used egg yolk to pull out excess oil from your facial skin or you have seen someone use it. Egg yolk is also great for you if you have oily hair. It is excellent at pulling oil from your scalp. Apply egg yolk to your hair and scalp and let it sit there for a few minutes. You should then wash it off using water. Egg yolk will effectively help you to keep your hair looking good.

7. Apply Honey

If possible, you should mix honey with egg yolk when you want to stop oily hair. You will get outstanding results when you mix these two. When you apply this mixture, you should leave it on for about 5 minutes. Apply honey mixed with egg yolk two to three times a week to get the best results.

8. Baking Soda Can Be Very Helpful

If you have oily hair, adding a few spoons of baking soda to the water that you want to use to wash it can be very helpful. You would get great result when you use baking powder mixed with water a few times a week.

9. Use Lemon Juice On Your Hair

Lemon juice is one of the best oily hair remedies. Squeeze a lemon into a cup of water and apply the mixture to your hair. Leave it on for 10 minutes before washing it off. You should use lemon juice at least three times a week to get the best results.

10. Reduce The Use Of Hair Products

You are likely to get into a lot of problems with your hair when you use a lot of hair products. When you want to treat oily hair, you should minimize the number of hair products you use. You should only use the products that you really think you need. You should also try as much as possible to stick to natural hair products. You will only be able to win your fight against oil when you stick to light products such as texturizing oil. You will also be able to save a lot of money when you are only using a few hair products.

Other Useful Tips:

  1. Take steps that will help you treat dandruff.
  2. Wash your hair using oat and water on a regular basis.
  3. Avoid touching your hair unnecessarily. Although it is tempting to touch your hair, keep your fingers away from it.
  4. Consider getting a haircut.
  5. Wash your hair with water that has a few drops of witch hazel oil.
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