10 Ways To Get Rid Of Unwanted Facial Hair Permanently

Facial hair is a normal characteristic in men. Some men even shape their beards and mustaches to look more attractive. However, hair on the face of any female is an embarrassing and distressing problem. The hair starts growing when the girl reaches puberty and it turns darker as she grows old. There are certain areas on the face where these hairs appear such as upper lip, ears and chin. Some have these hairs on the cheeks, neck and jaw. Fortunately, today females can find different ways to remove unwanted hair, from face peels to minor cosmetic surgery such as laser hair removal. Thanks to numerous developments in the beauty and cosmetics industries, women no longer have to live with the aspects of their faces and bodies they don’t like. They can even have a full facial transformation if they want it!. Below are 10 ways to get rid of those unwanted facial hairs once and for all. Just remember to use a face numbing cream first to make the hair removal process as comfortable as possible.

1. Raw Papaya

Papain is one of powerful digestive enzymes found and extracted from papaya. The enzyme helps break down hair follicle and prevent hair growth. Simply make papaya paste by peeling and crushing raw papaya pieces. Apply the paste to your face and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rub the past in the opposite direction then wash with clean water. Massage the area with olive oil, baby oil or moisturizer. Repeat the process thrice a week for at least 3 months.

2. Chickpea Flour- Turmeric

Chickpea flour, also called gram flour, has been used for years in Asia for uprooting and counteracting growth of unwanted hair. Women use a mixture of Chickpea flour and turmeric on their infant’s face, hands and legs to make their skin clean, delicate and smooth. Simply mix chickpea flour, turmeric, milk and fresh cream to make a paste. Apply the paste to your face and let it sit for 30 minutes. Rub the flour cover gently. Remove the mixture and rise with warm water.

3. Turmeric

This spice boasts a calming nature which helps in loosening of facial hairs. While the result is not immediate, this home remedy will get rid of the unwanted facial hairs permanently. To use it, soak turmeric powder in either water or milk to create a paste which isn’t too tight. Apply the paste to your face and let it sit on for 15 to 20 minutes or until it goes away. Rinse well with warm water. If you have denser hair, use turmeric with gram flour or rice flour.

unwanted facial hair

4. Sugar-Lemon-Honey

A mixture of sugar, lemon and honey can remove facial hair permanently. Place sugar, honey and lemon in a bowl and mix them well. Heat the mixture for 3 minutes to get a smooth paste. Let the mixture sit to a temperature where it is warm. Dust your face and apply a layer of the warm mixture on your face. Cover the area with waxing strip and gently press to stick on the glue. Finally, draw the strip in the opposite direction of your hair growth.

5. Sugar-Lemon

A mixture of sugar and water acts as the best exfoliate thanks to its granular texture. Lemon juice in this mixture plays a role of exfoliating agents which inhibit the growth of facial hair. Mix sugar, lemon juice and water in a dish. Sugar will dissolve in the water, but not completely. Apply this to your face and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with clean water while rubbing gently. Repeat the process twice or thrice a week.

6. Sugar and Water

This facial hair removal for women requires pulling the excess hair in the direction of hair growth. Heat half cup of water and add two cups of sugar and a half cup of lemon juice. Heat the glue for 5-10 minutes or until bubbles appear. Turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool. Dust baby powder on your skin and then apply the warm mixture on your face in the inverse direction of hair growth. Place a clean rag over the layer of the paste and leave it on for a few minutes. Promptly remove it quickly towards hair growth.

7. Lentil Face Pack

A face pack made from red lentils will get rid of unwanted facial hair and give you a youthful and glowing complexion. Crush and sieve one half cup of red lentils to get a fine powder. Mix two tablespoons of the crushed red lentils with sufficient milk or honey to create a glue. Spread the mixture to your face. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before scrubbing it off. Repeat the procedure twice or thrice a week.

8. Egg Mask, Corn Flour And Sugar

An egg white is one of the most effective remedies for hair removal. Egg white sticks to the face and when pulled, the veil will concoct facial hair. Beat one egg white and add one-half tablespoon of corn flour and one granulated tablespoon of sugar to it. Whisk till you get a smooth paste. Spread the mixture to your face, let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then pull it off. Repeat the procedure three to four times a week for faster results.

9. Potatoes And Lentil

Another natural treatment that can help remove facial hair is a paste of potato and crushed yellow lentil juice. Potatoes are packed with natural bleach agents. Soak lentils in water overnight. Get all the water from the lentil and crush it to make a paste. Rind the skin of the potato, extract the juice and add it to the lentil paste. Add lemon juice and honey to the mixture and mix well. Apply on your face and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. Peel off the paste from the applied area. Repeat this two to three times weekly.

10. Coconut Oil

Did you know you can use coconut oil for facial hair removal? Coconut oil will give you the same effect that you get when you use other natural ingredients such as papaya, honey and lemon. Simply place a pan on low heat and add coconut oil. Next, add coconut shell, eucalyptus oil and garlic pods and heat till garlic ponds turn brown. Preserve it in a container for a few days. Apply the mixture on your skin and leave it for about an hour. Rinse off with water. Be sure to do this after taking a bath and an hour before bedtime.


Getting rid of facial hair should not be a daunting task. We hope the methods above will help remove your facial hair permanently. While these methods are effective, don’t expect results overnight. The secret to these methods is regularity and patience.

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