10 Ways To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Overnight Fast

Cold sores are painful fever blisters that appear inside the mouth, on lips, nose or even on the face. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus, which enters the body through the skin mainly around the mouth. Some may even turn to cold sore laser treatment to help get rid of them quickly. This virus is very contagious and spreads from one person to another through kissing, touching an infected person’s saliva, or sharing razors and eating utensils. It may be a sign that you have sensitive skin so it might be best for you to change your skincare regime. In fact, the Avene skin care range works wonders for sensitive skin.

In a healthy individual, the virus may reside in the body’s nerve cells in a dormant state for long, but this person can still spread it to another. Symptoms occur as a result of weakening immune system caused by triggers such as stress, fatigue, menstruation, sunlight, feverish illnesses and respiratory system disorders. These symptoms include sore throat, mouth lesions, tongue pain, lip swelling, and blisters in the mouth. With all this said, and if infected, there are many steps you can take to get rid of cold sores.

1. Use Milk To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast

  • Whole milk is known to contain immune gamma globulin, which is a protein that acts as an antibody to produce an immune response against the herpes simplex virus. Milk also has L-lysine, which is an essential amino acid vital for inhibiting the actions of arginine amino acid, to speed up the cold sore healing process and prevent their outbreak in the future.
  • Soak a cotton ball in about two teaspoons of milk and apply it on the infected area. Leave it for some hours, and then wipe it clean using a towel. You can also prevent their occurrence by increasing L-Lysine contents in the body through drinking milk regularly.

2. Peppermint Oil To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast

  • Peppermint Oil has been used for long as an anti-aging agent. It is also an effective and long lasting treatment for cold sores. It has antiviral properties and act as a perfect disinfectant against oral herpes. It also contains a crystalline compound by the name menthol, known as a pain and itching reliever.
  • Rinse this affected area with clean water, and then soak a wet cotton ball in Peppermint Oil and apply it on the area. Do this routine three times daily until you are contented.

3. Ice To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast

Ice is a natural coagulant efficient for preventing lip swelling and mouth pain caused by cold sores. Take ice cubes and hold them on the infected area as long as possible. Apply it especially when you are relaxing and free from any form of intruder. It is advisable also to apply some petroleum jelly on the blisters after, to keep off any possible bacterial attack. Even though this practice eliminates pain and swelling in a matter of minutes, do it a couple of days about two times a day.

4. Take Echinacea To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast

Drinking Echinacea tea will boost your immune system, thus providing immune responses against any cold sore triggers. The herpes simplex virus might be in your body, but remain inactive for life and show no symptoms if your defensive system is healthy and strong enough to fight foreign substances and pathogenic organisms. Echinacea bags are available in the market, and you only have to put one in a cup of hot water at a time and take it. You can also drink green, white or black teas. They act as antioxidants, vital for producing immune responses, and also contain tannins, a substance known to have antiviral properties.

5. Lemon Balm as a Cure for Cold Sores Fast

how to get rid of cold sores

how to get rid of cold sores

Testimonies from many individuals who once were infected by cold sores prove that lemon balm works incredibly. This ingredient works by acting as an anti-herpes simplex viral agent. Just put lemon balm cream on the lip or any other infected area, and any noticeable symptoms will be over in a very short time.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast

Hydrogen peroxide acts as an effective disinfectant against causes for fever blisters. Studies indicate that a warm and moist environment much facilitate the effects of the herpes virus. Applying this ingredient keeps the infected area clean, dry, and free of moisture, thus providing a non-conducive environment that this virus can thrive.
Dip a clean cotton ball it in about 3% of hydrogen peroxide and apply it on the cold sores. Relax for a few minutes, and dry the area with a clean washcloth. Repeat this practice for three days three times a day.

7. Zinc To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast

Zinc is among the primary trace minerals required to keep your body healthy, strong and free of infections. This inorganic substance is abundant in food sources such as peanuts, legumes, pork, and shellfish. Zinc deficiency is known to weaken the immune system, thus accelerating the rate at with the herpes virus invades your body. Increase the zinc contents in your body either by taking food high in this mineral or zinc supplements, which are readily available at health food stores. You can also apply zinc oxide directly on the affected area, and the cold sores will heal in no time.

8. Garlic To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast

Garlic contains many essential compounds such as vitamins E, C, B, and A, and allicin, selenium and diallyl e- disulphide. All these ingredients make it an effective anti-fungal and antibiotic agent vital for healing any fever blisters. Crash three garlic cloves and put them in a glass of wine and mix well to make a paste. Apply this mixture on the cold sores and leave it there for about fifteen minutes. Ensure you do not leave it for more than 25 minutes as this can damage your skin. Repeat this practice for two days three times a day.

9. Tea Tree Oil To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast

Tea tree oil is a non-supplement herb that possesses antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, and antiviral properties. In addition, this ingredient eliminates infections like Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), making your body respond accordingly to cold sore treatment. Soak a cotton ball in the oil and apply it on the affected area. The fever blisters are expected to dry up within a very short time and disappear completely. Repeat this practice for about three days.

10. Honey To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast

Honey is one of the most common wound and cold sores healers and is even more effective by far than antibiotics. Apply the honey directly on the cold sore about three times per day. Make sure you only use raw honey, as the cooked one may not contain essential enzymes in sufficient amounts, thus diluting its effectiveness.

Other Useful Tips To Get Rid Of Cold Sores Fast

  • Healthy eating is the main way to strengthen your immunity against cold sore causes. Ensure the food you put into your mouth is rich in vitamins E and C and minerals. Vitamin C is essential for boosting leucocytes, which are blood cells that engulf and digest pathogenic substances, necessary for your body defensive system. Vitamin E functions by relieving irritation, curing cold sores, and minimizing scarring. The best food sources and rich in these vitamins include broccoli, red berries, spinach, nuts, avocados, tomatoes, and leafy green vegetables. Avoid salty and acidic foods at all costs.
  • It is best to avoid sharing razors, toothbrushes, silverware, and towel, to minimize chances of spreading this infection. If you have fever blisters, avoid kissing, make sure your hands are clean all the time and do not touch your cold sores.
  • If you have infections that may weaken your immunity such as HIV or you are under any chemotherapy treatment, and you happen to experience cold sore symptoms, please seek medical advice immediately.
  • Use an antiseptic mouthwash if you experience pain when brushing your teeth, avoid stressful situations, take about eight hours of sleep daily, and drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
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