10 Ways to Get Rid Of Cystic Acne Fast and Naturally

Cystic acne is skin eruptions caused by the blockage or infection of oil ducts in skin. As opposed to normal acne, cystic acne reaches deeper skin tissues and therefore causes much more superficial swellings. If this is something you can relate to and have been trying to come up with a solution for a while now, it may be within your best interest to do a quick google search into something like muv sarasota, to get a better understanding as to how the use of cannabis-infused products could play a part in helping with your acne, especially when it comes to the inflammation. Affecting mostly around face region, cystic acne can be very painful in case of breakouts and can leave deep scars. Another reason some women may suffer from acne is through something called Post-Birth Control Syndrome, with acne being just one symptom. Post-Birth Control Syndrome Symptoms also include Migraines, Headaches, Hair loss, Depression, Blood sugar dysregulation and Anxiety.

Among most other skin abscesses, it is considered to be the most extreme kind. They take time to heal and are widely considered to be untreatable. But there are some easy home remedies you can try to get rid of cystic acne fast and naturally without using chemicals or medications of any kind.

1.) Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera finds its use in a number of home remedies and is quite popular for treating acne. Aloe Vera is rich in some contents that help in reducing swelling and inflammation of skin, thus making it a very effective home remedy against cystic acne.

Aloe Vera leaves contain a gel which can be extracted by cutting a leaf in half. Wash and rinse your face properly and apply this gel directly on the affected areas and leave them. You can wash off your face later or just let it be. Aloe Vera consumption, particularly brewing Aloe Vera and drinking it also helps cleansing your system and clearing out toxins and germs.

2.) Egg Whites

Egg whites are extremely rich in some nutrients and their effectiveness is often under-estimated when it comes to skin treatments. Egg whites act as an efficient cystic acne home remedy owing to riboflavin and other proteins loaded in it which provides ample protein for the skin to cut down skin acne.

To use egg whites to treat cystic acne first break open an egg and carefully separate the egg white from the yolk. Slowly apply the egg white on your face and affected areas and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Wash your face later with lukewarm water.

3.) Honey

Honey is a very essential product for multiple household needs and the health benefits that it provides are not new to people. Honey is quite potent for treating cystic acne as it is very potent antioxidant and also helps exfoliate the skin. They also have other health benefits and are often consumed as a natural sweetener too.

Honey can be applied directly to cystic acne on chin or face and after applying leave it undisturbed for 10-15 minutes. Wash off your face with warm water later.

get rid of cystic acne

4.) Baking Soda

Baking soda is a very common household product and finds its way into a number of home remedies. It is widely used as a substitute of toothpaste to whiten teeth and has anti-bacterial functions. For the same reason baking soda is a working remedy against cystic acne.

Baking soda can naturally not be applied directly. So for better effect, mix baking soda and a little water into a thick paste and you can also add a little sea salt to it. Once you achieve a thick consistency, apply this paste directly to the affected areas and leave it to dry for half an hour at least. Wash and rinse your face later with warm water.

5.) Tea-tree Oil

One might wonder how oil makes into the list of remedies against an abscess formed due to excess oil pores being blocked. But tea-tree oil is an extremely important item for more needs than one and has been used for home remedies for ages now. If you are not acquainted with the innumerable functions and advantages of tea-tree oil, you will be pleased to know it is one of the most effective treatments for acne and cystic acne. Additionally, when it comes to natural oils that you can incorporate within your skincare routine, another one that that you may or may not have come across is the use of hemp oil. This is said to help balance the skin and prevents inflammation. Suffering with acne can take its tole on anyone’s confidence, so if this something that you would like to give a go, sites such as https://kingcbdco.com/ would be a good place to start. With the use of tea tree and hemp oil, you could be on your way to becoming acne free. It will take some time, but hopefully it will be worth it.

To extract maximum benefits, mix a little tea-tree oil in a cup of water and apply this mixture well over the acne-prone areas. Wash your face after 10-15 minutes.

6.) Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has more benefits than harm and is widely used for their antibacterial properties. Since cystic acne is basically a bacterial infection, coconut oil works wonders to treat cystic acne. For this same reason, coconut oil helps reducing redness and inflammation of skin caused by acne.

Coconut oil can be applied directly over skin. After applying, massage the areas softly using fingers and later wash your face clean. Coconut oil is very healthy and this process repeated a couple of times a week can be very helpful in chronic acne problems.

7.) Apple Cider Vinegar

Any kind of home remedies for skin inevitably will include apple cider. One of the most potent and strong products for treatment against skin inflammations and acne, apple cider is basically made using apples, yeast and bacteria. The bacteria and yeast together with the citrus nature help in killing bacterial-infections and reducing inflammation and swelling.

Use a cotton ball to apply a few drops of apple cider to the infected areas on your skin and leave them overnight. Wash it off next morning with cold water for best results.

8.) Toothpaste

Although it might seem crazy, toothpastes are extremely effective for skin related troubles including burning, inflammation, swelling or acne. Toothpaste contains fluoride which essentially kill bacteria and can help your get rid of cystic acne with ease. Apply regular store bought toothpaste sparingly on the affected areas and leave for 15-20 minutes. Later, wash off with cold water.

9.) Potatoes

A paste made out of a few potatoes blend together can effectively exfoliate skin and help reducing burning and swelling in case of cystic acnes. Their absorbent nature can help pull out impurities in the skin which also causes acne. To get best results, repeat the process of applying this paste twice a day at least for 10 minutes each time.

10.) Steam

Steam is quite effective for pushing out impurities from skin thus helping clear clogged skin pores thus reducing swelling and infection. Pour hot water in a bowl, and bring your face close to it covering your head with a cloth or towel. Repeat a few times a week for best results.

Few Additional Tips

Cystic acne can be painful and long-lasting. Although prevention is not completely possible, it can still be tried by maintaining hygiene and proper cleanliness.
Using salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide gels which are helpful for oily skin is also advised. If you have cystic acne, keep your hands of your face unless you are washing.
Scrubbing affected areas and picking at your skin is absolutely a NO if you want to keep the infection in check.
Protect your skin from sun tans and wash your face and hair regularly to maintain extreme hygiene if you are prone to cystic acne problems.

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