12 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Vaginal Odor

Vaginal odor can be quite embarrassing and hard to get rid of. Pregnancy as well as changes in hormonal levels before and after menstruation can prompt the body to produce different types and levels of vaginal discharge that usually vary in odor. Some women have found that after pregnancy, along with odor smell, they feel a little looser in the vaginal area too. While there are a variety of exercises and products that can help improve a weak grip in your vaginal area, it can be difficult to find the right product to take care of any odor. For this reason some women look to something similar to https://amairaskincare.com/ for help in that area.

On the other hand, the body can respond to changes in lifestyle habits by emitting an odor that you are not used to and/or producing more discharge. Fortunately, there are several practical ways that you can get rid of vaginal odor fast. Most of the products that can be used are household products that most people are likely to have at hand.

1. Tea Tree Oil

This is a very powerful antiseptic that you can use to get rid of bacteria and germs quickly. Dilute tea tree oil with water and use it as a vaginal wash to get rid of the fishy vaginal odor that sometimes comes with infections. To prevent irritation, use a small amount of tea tree oil (4 to 5 drops) in a bathtub and sit in the water for about 30 minutes. Use this herbal treatment to wash your vagina two times per day until the odor disappears.

2. Lavender Oil

Lavender is an essential oil that is very beneficial for removing odors and discharge from the vagina and ensuring that they stay away. The antibacterial properties of lavender take away the impurities and germs in the vagina that cause bad odor, itching and irritation. Simply mix witch hazel with 5 drops of lavender oil and some water and use the solution to clean your vagina and the surrounding area with a gentle hand, especially after a shower or bath.

3. Fenugreek

Fenugreek restores hormonal balance in women naturally and women have used it to regulate their menstrual cycles for years. In fact, regular consumption of this herb helps to regulate other vital functions of the body. You can consume fenugreek supplement or drink it in tea to eliminate vaginal odor. Steeping fenugreek seeds overnight in water makes a highly effective remedy for getting rid of fishy vaginal odor.

get rid of vaginal odor

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been studied widely mainly for its numerous health benefits and many studies found that apple cider vinegar is very useful in treating most infections including virginal infections. Apple cider vinegar has strong anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties that are responsible for its unique curative nature. You can put about three cups o apple cider vinegar in warm water (enough for a shallow bath) and sit in the water for 25-30 minutes. On the other hand, you can dilute apple cider vinegar in water and use a cotton pad to clean your vagina. One of the main reasons why you should use apple cider vinegar is that it balances pH levels in a highly effective way which helps get rid of vaginal odor fast.

5. Baking soda

Baking soda is very effective especially when it comes to getting rid of the unpleasant vaginal odor. Baking soda has the ability to eliminate foul smell and freshen the vagina by providing pH balance instantly. Mix two teaspoons of baking soda in water and drink one cup of this solution daily. On the other hand, you can use the solution to use to rinse the vagina and the surrounding area to in order to keep it odor-free.

6. Cotton Underwear

Cotton underwear is best particularly for women who have vaginal discharge often or have conditions that cause their discharge to have an unpleasant or strange odor. Such conditions include pregnancy, irregular period sand breastfeeding. Cotton underwear ensures that the vaginal area is naturally ventilated. Warmth and moisture provide ideal conditions for bacteria to form in your vagina. Therefore, wearing cotton underwear will eliminate the embarrassing problem of vaginal odor.

7. Water

Drinking plenty of water is one of the most practical ways of getting rid of vaginal odor. Besides flushing impurities and toxins out of the body, water also provides moisture balance in your vagina. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily in order to prevent the body from producing foul-smelling or excess vaginal discharge. You can enhance the cleansing power of water by adding fiber supplements to the water to stimulate the body to get rid of impurities. You can also squeeze lemon or lime juice to the water to cleanse your internal organs.

8. Garlic

Garlic has the ability to remove viruses and infections from the body. Eat fresh garlic in your food daily to keep vaginal odor at bay. You can also insert a clove (wrapped in cheesecloth) to make your vagina infection-free. You can leave the garlic clove in the vagina for hours and be sure to rinse your vagina with warm water immediately after removing the garlic clove.

9. Citrus Fruits

Fruits such as grapefruit and oranges can help balance pH levels and eliminate toxins and germs from the body. Moreover, fruits in the citrus family are also very rich in vitamin C which is vital for boosting the function of your immune system. A strong immune system is capable of fighting off various vaginal infections that cause unpleasant odor.

10. Yogurt

Yogurt is very rich is probiotics like acidophilus and lactobacillus, which are vital especially for balancing the pH of the vagina. Eat plain, sugar-free yogurt on a daily basis in order to get rid of vaginal odor and reduce symptoms that are associated with unbalanced pH such as vaginal irritation and itching. Adding sugar-free granola or fresh fruit to your yogurt adds fiber to the snack, which promote regularity and remove impurities from the body. This helps to eliminate vaginal odor.

11. Amla/Indian Gooseberry

Amla is a very effective remedy for fishy vaginal odor. This herb helps purify the blood, making it easier for your body to eliminate impurities. Moreover, amla regulates the amount of vaginal discharge produced and also prevents it from having a foul smell. Amla can be consumed in supplement or powder form, and is highly effective when used as a daily treatment.

12. White Vinegar

White vinegar helps eliminate impurities from your vagina. On the other hand, white vinegar breaks down the protein compounds that cause the unpleasant odor. Therefore, using it to rinse the vagina can get rid of vaginal odor immediately. Add a cup of white vinegar to your bath water to enhance the health of your vagina and get rid of any unusual smells.

Vaginal odor is one of the most common conditions which lower self-confidence and bring embarrassment. It is essential to understand that there are simple, quick home remedies for vaginal odor that help you avoid embarrassing bedroom, public shower, and elevator moments. However, the most important thing is to ensure that you have a clean and healthy vagina. Some people beleive that having surgery is the way to solve these problems, but the truth is that it can cause other problems like pain, burns, and/or scars! If the symptoms persist, you should consult a gynecologist for professional advice and health care.

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