10 Ways to Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus Fast and Naturally

Toe nail fungus is characterized by inflammation, swelling and pain of the toe. In some cases it can lead to thickening, yellowing and crumbling of the nail. It can result to abnormal pH of the skin which can compromise the immune system. Antifungal treatments and topical treatments can be applied to get rid of toe nail fungus. You can find some of these products on somewhere like Onycosolve, a site that may be worth checking out if you suffer from any kind of toenail fungus. If you’re interested to learn about a toenail fungus treatment do additional research at websites similar to footlogix.com.

It is upon you to assess different treatment options available so that you will decide on the best. There are several treatments available; there are others which will be more effective depending than others. You need to assess your skin type before you decide on a given treatment.

1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has both antiseptic as well as fungicidal properties. You can easily get rid of onychomycosis through use of tea tree oil. You will just start by rubbing the affected toe with cotton piece dipped in alcohol. Then apply tea tree oil directly on the affected area. Let the tea tree oil soak after which you will scrub the toe nail with a bristle brush. When applying tea tree oil, you should try and mix the oil with carrier oil such as olive oil. You can repeat the process on a daily basis till a new toenail develops on the affected area.

2. Orange Oil

This is another natural antifungal remedy you can apply to get rid of toe nail fungus. You can use a dropper to apply the oil on the nail and in between the toes. After applying you should let the oil soak for about an hour. The oil is very sensitive, if you have a sensitive skin, you can mix the oil with a natural carrier such as olive oil. You can test the oil on a healthy skin so that you will know how it reacts with your skin. This is necessary for you to know whether your skin is too sensitive for the oil before applying. If this technique and other home remedies have no effect then it may be worth considering Laser Toenail Fungus Treatment instead as a more sophisticated method of solving the problem.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is among the most effective remedies for toe nail fungus which you can apply. It can be applied topically or internally. You will be required to mix one part of Epsom salt with one part of apple cider vinegar and hot water. After water has cooled to a level where it will not burn your skin, you can soak your feet with toenail fungus and let them rest in the water for thirty minutes. You can as well make a beverage of organic apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey for you to drink on a daily basis till the toe nail fungus disappears.

get rid of toenail fungus

4. Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract can be used to get rid of toe nail fungus. You can drink the extract daily as a supplement for you to enjoy great relieve due to great healing power of the extract. Olive oil cures fungal infection as well as acting as antiviral, antibacterial and lowering cholesterol levels in the body.

5. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is rich in caprylic acid. The acid is very active in penetrating cells of candida and other fungi to cure the toenail fungus infection. The acid destroys the protective layers of the fungus hence making them less effective in destroying the toe nail. Just apply coconut oil on the affected toe nail and let it soak for about 15 minutes. You should ensure you are not sensitive to the oil before applying. The oil is very effective in improving skin condition. You will benefit from the treatment in several ways due to its health benefits to the skin.

6. Corn Meal

Organic cornmeal is among the remedies for toe nail fungus. The corn meal is rich in funguses which are harmless to the skin but they act on candida hence helping in preventing damage caused by candida on the toe nail. You will be required to add cornmeal to a basin and add water. Wait for the mixture to settle for about an hour after which you will soak your feet. This will help in getting rid of the infection from your body.

7. Baking Soda and Sodium Borate

Fungus will require acidic condition for them to thrive; you will easily get rid of the infection after you decide to apply baking soda which is alkaline. The baking soda will create an inhabitable condition which will stop the infection from spreading. You will have to mix sodium borate and baking soda after which you will have to rub the paste formed on the affected feet. You can repeat the process twice in a day to achieve quick relief. The solution is among natural remedies which you can apply to get rid of toe nail fungus.

8. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has antifungal properties which can help in curing toe nail fungus. You can buy lavender oil and apply it sparingly on the affected toe nail. You can apply at night and leave it to soak while you sleep. You can cover the toe with a pair of wool socks so that you will prevent the oil from rubbing off while you sleep. You should avoid socks made out of synthetic materials because they can worsen the situation.

9. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is among antifungal remedies you can apply to get rid of toe nail fungus. You can mix the oil with a few drops of carrier oil and dab on the affected toe nails. The oil has active ingredients which will act on the fungus hence stop them from multiplying; this will help you in getting rid of the infection. The oil has been used for many years to get rid of the fungus infection.

10. Listerine Mouthwash

The remedy is used to kill bacterial germs in the mouth, but it can be as well used to kill fungus infection which cause toe nail fungus. The Listerine mouthwash has several antiseptic properties which can help in getting rid of bacterial and fungus. Just apply the solution on the affected toe nail and let it soak for an hour before you wash off.

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