10 Ways To Get Rid Of Pinched Nerve In The Back

Back pains are among those conditions that, despite being localized, can absolutely ground you and leave you unable to work as efficiently as you would on a normal basis. In short, they suck. There are many reasons for experiencing back pain with pinched nerve being one of the most common yet least appreciated causes.

Pinched nerve is, as the name suggests, what happens when a nerve passing through or between different structures gets compressed by these structures. The pain can range from transient and manageable to persistent and unbearable. If you are a victim, below are a few ways you can get rid of pinched nerve in back. Remember, when it comes to your health, it is important to make this a priority and not ignore any symptoms you are having. The longer you leave it, the worse it can get. Plus, with time and the right treatment, everything will get better. Considering there are specialists at Neuroworks’s Ealing chiropractic clinic who can help get you treatment to fit your needs, don’t feel like you have to suffer in silence. Some of the tips explained you can do on your own but for quick and effective relief, seeking a professional’s help is a good idea.

1. Treat Yourself To A Massage Every Once In A While

A good hot oil massage works wonders on back pains especially those caused by pinched nerves. The motions involve help by loosening tense muscles and relieving pressure compressing the nerves. For the best results, have the expert use olive oil for the massage. This contains a chemical compound referred to as oleocanthal that acts as an anti-inflammatory and pain relief agent. Massages are more active on upper back pains including the neck and shoulders where the compression is more superficial.

2. Fight Fire With Fire And Ice

Alternating between hot compress and cold compress pads on the hurting area is another easy and absolutely effective way of getting rid of back pains caused by pinched nerves. The cold treatment using something as simple as an ice pack works by reducing blood flow to the affected area and numbing the nerves there. The two have a combined pain relief effect. The heating part of this remedy on the other hand can be carried out using a hot water bottle. It works by dilating blood vessels and promoting muscle relaxation to relieve pressure on the nerve. You can do this or have it done on you at least once a day and the pain will be gone in no time.

3. Ditch The Heavy Luggage

One of the main contributing factors to nerve compression is straining by carrying heavy loads. Students are actually some of the most susceptible to this effect with the book-laden backpacks they carry around all day. If you have a job or a hobby that involves bearing a lot of weight on your back, you can relieve pain due to pinched nerves by reducing the amount you carry around at once and the number of times you do it. If possible, find substitutes such as trolleys to carry your entire luggage for you and live your back muscles free to work as it should.

pinched nerve In the back

4. Sit Up Straight

Bad posture is another major factor contributing to nerve compression and related upper and lower back pains. It therefore goes without saying that it you want to rid yourself of the nuisance you need to start assuming the right form and posture as you sit. This especially applies when you have a job or other activity that requires you to spend a lot of your time seated. Have you ever thought that the pains you are experiencing could be to do with the chairs and office desks you have to sit at daily? Maybe it is time to speak to your boss about potentially switching up your office furniture, to something more accommodating to your current situation. There’s no harm in asking, especially if it will means better performance in your work. This tip works on both lower and upper back pains but has a significantly better effect on the former than most other tips on this list.

5. Poke The Problem Away With Acupuncture

Acupuncture is by far one of the oldest and most effective back pain relief remedies. It involves sticking needles into the skin on and around the affected are for pain relief purposes. The pins irritate the skin and increase blood flow to the area and this promotes muscle relaxation. As a result, the compressed nerve receives much less pressure from the tissues it passes through or between and the pain signals are terminated. Acupuncture will work for you but should only be done by a licensed professional under safe and sanitary conditions for it to have the desired results without any complications.

6. Drink Lots Of Milk

Not just milk, anything that is rich in Calcium. The mineral is important in muscle relaxation and contraction cycle and when deficient, the muscles tend to cramp up. This is one of the ways in which nerves get pinched. Taking lots of calcium rich foods will help you get rid of the pain by restoring the normal relaxation and contraction balance and ensuring that there is no unnecessary pressure exerted on the nerve.

7. The Cinnamon Powder, Honey And Peppermint Paste

Cinnamon and honey are natural anti-inflammatory agents and they help get rid of pinched nerves by reducing tissue inflammation around the affected nerve and as a result leading to pain relief. The peppermint has a cooling effect that also helps to relieve the pain. You can therefore effectively reduce or even get rid of the pinched nerve pin by applying this homemade concoction at least once a day until the pain completely disappears.

8. Stretch It Out With A Good Workout Routine

Exercise helps a lot too when it comes to dealing with pinched nerves. The stretching routines in particular do a lot to relieve the pressure on the nerve and as a result reduce the pain. Some great exercises that you can try out include swimming, running, aerobics and even yoga. You should, however, avoid exercises such as weight lifting that make things worse by straining the muscles.

9. Take A Trip To A Chiropractor

It may be time to book an appointment to visit a lower back pain chiropractor, as they have been known to work wonders when it comes to getting rid of pinched nerve back pains. In simple terms, the remedies are more or less a combination of other remedies including massaging and stretching. The only difference is in how, when and how many times they are done. The results are usually very impressive and you will have a painless back in no time. If you don’t have time to visit a Chiropractor then you could always consider using something like Kratom to help you with your pain. If this is something that interests you then you can find more info on kratom and pain here.

10. In The Worst Case Scenario, Try Surgical Intervention

This usually works best when the nerve has been pinched due to bone spur formation or vertebral disc herniation. It is by far the most effective way of getting rid of pinched nerve-related back pains. Surgical intervention is, however, usually carried out to deal with upper back pains where major nerve roots emerge and where herniation is most likely to occur. It is, however, just as effective with lower back pains.

Posture And Gait Tips To Keep Your Back Strain – Free:

  1. Do not hunch; whether you are seated or you are walking.
  2. Exercise regularly to loosen stiff muscles especially those in the back.
  3. Eat a healthy balanced diet as this will ensure that there is no build-up of toxins that cause muscle cramping which in turn compresses the nerves in your back and other regions.
  4. Wear comfortable shoes that will allow you to maintain normal form as you walk or stand.
  5. DO NOT under any circumstances ignore back pains especially when they are persistent. Pinched nerves can become damaged and nonfunctional if left compressed for a long time.
  6. Seek professional advice on how best to handle your pain. Doctors and licensed chiropractors are your safest bet.
  7. Avoid overworking your muscles if you can. If your lifestyle demands it, as with athletes, then ensure that you perform the required pre-workout stretch routines to protect your nerves.
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