10 Ways To Get Rid Of Mucus In Lungs

Cough and cold could be a nagging and could be highly painful. It could drain energy and could impact daily work quite badly. Cough and cold are not diseases by themselves but are symptoms suggesting that there is a virus attack on the body. Cold viruses usually affect and attack the throat, the upper and lower respiratory tract.

When they attack the lower respiratory tract that is when you see mucus getting accumulated. Hence it is important to get rid of mucus in the lungs to get relief from the problem. Over the next few lines we will try and have a look at 10 common home remedies which could be helpful in fighting mucus congestion in the chest.

If you are a smoker, it will be more difficult to shift cold viruses because cigarettes are known to damage lung functionality. Those that struggle with beating their smoking habit should consider nicotine alternatives like this product at Breazy. Working towards being nicotine-free will make these treatments we are about to talk about for chest congestion even more effective.

1. Onions

Onions are very commonly used for treating mucus in the lungs because it contains two substances called quercetin and sulfur. Both of them play a big role in breaking down mucus in the chest and lungs and thereby ease congestion. All that is required is to take 5 or 6 small raw onions and chew them. If it is too difficult to chew, you could add a bit of salt and lemon to it and make it palatable. It will work wonders within two or three days and ease mucus related lung congestion.


2. Lime Soup And Garlic

Garlic is known to possess very strong anti-inflammatory properties which could be helpful in clearing chest congestion. Lime contains citric acid which also works very well even removing green mucus in the lungs. Green mucus means that the lungs have been badly impacted by infection. If this does not work, it would be better to visit a doctor and take a dose of strong antibiotics to ease the problem. You have to take 3 lemons and add the juice to a hot water (1 cup). You should then add one or two garlic cloves to the mixture. You could also add a bit of black pepper and salt to taste. After stirring the mixture properly you should drink it.


3. Radish

Though not fully understood there are reasons to believe that radish has some special compounds which could help break up mucus deposits in the chest and then through an expectorant process take it out. The juice from a standard size radish should be drunk regularly, at least thrice or four times a day to have the desired impact. It has been found to be very useful in removing excess mucus in lungs. However, it might take some time and results could be seen only after three or four days.

mucus in lungs

4. Turmeric

It is a known fact that turmeric is a very strong antioxidant and it also is known to have very powerful anti-inflammatory properties. When a person complains about mucus in the lungs, he or she suffers from inflamed walls of the lungs. Hence using turmeric regularly could help a lot. You could use it in combination with milk and black pepper. One teaspoon of turmeric should be added to hot milk and one teaspoon of honey should also be added to the milk. It should be stirred properly and should be taken at least three times daily. It certainly will have a great impact and you can start seeing the results within two to three days. It is very safe and virtually free from any side effects.


5. Gargling

Gargling with hot water and salt could be a great way to overcome the symptoms associated with mucus plug lung. This is a condition where the airways of the lungs become swollen and inflamed. This happens because of viral infection and as a self defense mechanism, the lining of the lungs become thick and mucus develops around it. This is a natural mechanism by which the body tries to prevent the virus from entering the lungs. This leads to mucus accumulation causing extreme discomfort. Gargling with cup of water with two spoonfuls of salt and a bit of turmeric can work wonders and break the concentration of mucus in the lungs and provide instant relief.


6. Steam Inhaling

Steam is known to give out moisture and heat and when inhaled deeply, it can help in breaking down mucus in the lungs and chest area. When done at least four or five times a day it can break up the mucus and can help it to come out through coughing or through expectorating. The process is simple. You should take a large bowl, fill it with boiling hot water and add a few drops of tea tree oil, eucalyptus, peppermint and rosemary to it. This will make the concentration strong and when inhaled will provide great relief.


7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known to fight chest congestion and it has been proven time and again. It also has strong antibacterial properties. In other words it will help in fighting viral infection quite effectively. You could simple add a spoon of apple cider vinegar liquid to hot water and drink it. However, you should know where to draw the limits because overdoing it could lead to stomach problems.


8. Thyme

For centuries thyme has been considered to be a natural herb which is known to improve lung health. It can work very well against buildup of mucus in the lungs which as we all know is a natural body defense mechanism. It not only helps in extracting mucus accumulation but also provides a protective shield for the lungs and helps fight congestion. You must add 1/4 spoon of thyme to one cup of hot and boiling water. Allow it to soak for a few minutes and then you must add a few drops of honey. Drink it for getting relief.


9. Bay Leaf

Bay leaf is an herb which can help treating mucus related congestion of the chest and it has great natural properties. Simply add some bay leaves to boiling water. Allow it to soak for around 10 minutes and drink the solution at least thrice a day.


10. Lemon And Honey

Lemon is a rich and naturally occurring antioxidant having citric acid. Honey is a cough suppressant. When taken together in hot water, it can help in reducing mucus congestion in the chest.


Pros Of These Treatments

While there is no doubt that visiting a doctor is important for chest congestion, apart from the medicines given by the doctor, these natural remedies can work wonders in overcoming the problems related to excess accumulation of mucus in the lungs. They are very safe and totally free from side effects.


Cons To Be Kept In Mind

However it may not be prudent to depend on this treatment alone and if you find that the congestion is not improving within a couple of days, you must visit a doctor and go by his or her treatment methods. Further, those suffering from some medical conditions should exercise caution while using these natural methods.
At the end of the day there is hardly any doubt that these above methods are proven, time tested and safe for removing excess mucus formation in the lungs and provide great relief immediately.

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