10 Ways to Get Rid of Feminine Odor Fast and Naturally

If you experience a nasty feminine odor, you can find consolation in the fact that you are not alone. Millions of other women in the world suffer from the same condition according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The feminine odor is not only unwanted but is also the reason for the lack of self-esteem for many women. Luckily, a number of homemade remedies are effective in stopping feminine odor and discharge. Of course if the problem persists, or if things get worse then you should head over to your local gynaecologist, if you don’t know who to use, then you can find out more here.

The feminine odor is caused by hormonal changes when a woman’s menstrual cycle changes. Avoid the temptation of going for backstreet procedures and ineffective approaches to stop feminine odor. While some procedures are dangerous, the negative effects they introduce are irreversible. For this reason, embrace the following organic products and say goodbye to the problem permanently.

1. White Vinegar

White vinegar is easily the most common feminine odor home remedy. You can put half a cup of the vinegar to your bathtub and add water. Let the vinegar mix well with the water and sit in it for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day for a couple of weeks.

Observe the odor and find out if it goes away with time. White vinegar is a base that restores the natural pH of your vagina. Many women have used this idea before and have reported positive results with time.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda is perhaps the most readily available feminine odor home remedy. You can buy the product at your local store. It is an effective remedy for odors caused by various bacteria in a woman’s reproductive tract.

Mix half a cup of baking soda with the water in your bathtub. Sit in the solution and soak your body for not less than 30 minutes. Repeat this process every day for maximum results. The baking soda will fight all infections in the reproductive system and will eventually stop feminine odor.

feminine odor

3. Garlic

Garlic is a popular addition in people’s diets. Not only does it season food, but it also provides the body with numerous antioxidants that fight body pathogens and bacteria. Therefore, embrace a diet that is rich in garlic every day. Include garlic generously in your vegetable salads and take these every day. Within a few days, you should experience a reduction of feminine odor and discharge.

Alternatively, put a small piece of garlic inside your sexual organ and let it sit there for approximately 2 hours. Repeat the procedure every day. Do not forget to remove it after 2 hours, and when going to bed. Observe the effects of this procedure in fighting feminine odor.

4. Tea Tree Oil

This is an effective anti-fungal and anti-bacterial ingredient. It has been used in the manufacture of soaps, toothpaste, detergents, and other cleaning products. Manufacturers have successfully explored its cleaning power. For this reason, you can include it in your fight against feminine odor.

Mix a few drops (two or three) of tea tree oil in a cup of drinking water. Apply this mixture into your vagina and let it stay there for a couple of minutes before rinsing with clear water. Repeat the procedure three or four times a week. Ensure the water you use is pure because contaminated water can cause additional infection.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt is a practical feminine odor home remedy because it is easily available in local stores, shops, and supermarkets. The yeast and bacteria in yogurt fight the underlying causes of bad smell in the female reproductive tract. Including yogurt in your diet is a prudent step towards winning the war against bad odor.

In addition, apply yogurt directly in your vagina every day and allow it to stay there for a couple of minutes. Studies have shown that yogurt is also effective in reducing bad breath and odors from other parts of the body.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Vaginal odor caused by harmful bacteria can easily be removed by apple cider vinegar. Just like white vinegar, this variety of vinegar helps to balance the natural pH of the vagina. You see, the body may not always be able to fight pathogens on its own. It needs a little help from you.

Add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar in bathwater. Soak your body in the solution and stay there for 20 minutes. Observing this routine daily will rid you of the problem in little time. Alternatively, take a mixture of a cup of water and a spoonful of cider vinegar every day.

7. Boric Acid

Just like in laundry, boric acid is an effective cleanser. Prepare gelatin capsules and insert each in your vagina every day before going to bed. Remove the capsule the following morning and take an ordinary shower. Repeat this procedure a couple of days a week for several weeks.

Within time, you will realize an improvement in the intensity of the vaginal odor. Keep the capsules in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. In addition, keep them away from the reach of children.

8. Wear Cotton Underwear

Some people experience bad odors because of wearing underwear made of synthetic fibers. As there are many choices when it comes to underwear, taking a look at sites like https://www.rankandstyle.com/top-10-list/best-underwear-for-women could help you make a better decision when it comes to wearing underpants that may help with this issue.

These materials do not allow the sufficient circulation of air around your vagina. For this reason, any discharge will cause a bad odor.

Instead, wear cotton panties as this material allows air to pass through. In addition, they keep your skin dry throughout the day, even on sunny and humid days. As your vagina accesses oxygen, any discharge will not have the characteristic bad smell. More importantly, wear a clean panty every day and wash dirty ones well before drying them thoroughly.

9. Practice Safe Sex

Safe sex means maintaining one sex partner. Otherwise, you may become a victim of sexually transmitted infections, which are associated with bad odor. Examples are herpes, vaginal warts, syphilis, gonorrhea, and AIDs. No one wants to live with any type of infection, but if symptoms are becoming evident, it may be worth visiting a facility like Southwest Care Center to get tested. This will hopefully put your mind at ease and you will be able to get advice from professionals on how to stay safe during sex.

10. Alum

Alum is an effective food-pickling product that also functions well in purifying water. You can use it sparingly to control body odor. Traditionally, communities used it as an aftershave to control bleeding. It can restrict the growth of bacteria in your body and ultimately control feminine odor.


As the above remedies are natural, they help you to stop feminine odor naturally. Avoid synthetic or chemical remedies as they may cause abrasions on the skin. Do not let feminine odor take away your dignity and self-esteem when these therapies exist.

When there is too much feminine odor and discharge, it is prudent to consult a medical practitioner. A gynecologist will examine your vagina for infection. At the same time, let a qualified doctor administer drugs to fight the problem.

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