10 Ways to Get Rid of a Pinched Nerve in the Shoulder

If you experience pain in the shoulder, you may be one person among millions of others suffering from a pinched nerve in the shoulder plate. This condition is characterized by moderate or excruciating pain especially during or after a physical exercise. Luckily, there are a number of remedies to reduce shoulder pain effectively.

A pinched nerve in the shoulder is also characterized by numbness in the shoulder and the upper arm. In addition, the area can be so weak that you cannot move the shoulder joint around leave alone lifting an object. Injuries to one of the nerves in the shoulder blade cause the problem. The following are ways to alleviate pain in a pinched shoulder nerve.

1. Alternate Cold And Hot Compresses

Use an ice bag to press the area around the pinched nerve. Simply put three or four cubes of ice in a towel and wrap them inside. You will need someone to assist you in doing this, as you press the problematic region, the cool sensation from the ice cools down the inflammation. This ultimately reduces the pain and swelling. Those that enjoy the cold treatments might also want to consider something similar to sciatic nerve pain relief if they don’t find the treatment isn’t providing the results they are looking for.

Alternate the cold compress with a hot one. Put hot water in a polythene bag and press the bag around your shoulder, paying more attention to the most painful areas. Do not use water that is too hot as it may damage the skin. At the same time, avoid placing cold ice on the same spot for too long. Repeat this procedure three times in a day for a week or as you may find necessary.

2. Take A Rest From Work

Many people suffer from a pinched shoulder nerve because of increased physical activity. If your job entails lifting things from the ground to elevated positions, you may be a victim of the condition. Consider taking a rest for a few days.

Your body is wired to reconfigure its cells, nerves, tissues and tendons naturally. For this reason, increased activity will only aggravate the problem. Instead, abstain from excessive work for a few days and observe the pain or numbness. Ask your supervisors for a sick off.

3. Proper Exercise And Workouts

Sometimes, the nerves in your shoulders may get pinched due to poor exercise and fitness regimens. For this reason, find out if your current exercise routine causes more harm than good. You could join a reputable fitness center and take advantage of qualified fitness coaches. Doing shoulder workouts with the help of a professional fitness trainer could be a good way to avoid injury during workouts.

Discuss the problem with them and let them show you exercise patterns that actually strengthen your shoulders without causing damage. Exercise as regularly as the fitness coach deems fit. Do not lift too heavy objects, as this only leads to additional injury.

pinched nerve in the shoulder

4. Observe Healthy Diet

Embrace proper diet plans to supply the body with needed nutrients for day-to-day functioning. Take more fruits and vegetables, as these are valuable sources of vitamins and minerals. In addition, eat lean meat, whole grains, fish products, nuts and grains.

Avoid the entry of contaminants into your body by taking less alcohol. Excessive consumption of alcohol causes poor cell formation and subsequently muscle and bone degradation. More importantly, quit smoking, as the chemicals in cigarettes introduce harmful toxins.

5. Lose Extra Weight

People who are overweight or obese usually complain of pain in the shoulder and other parts of the body. Extra weight adds pressure on your bones and muscles, causing pain and numbness. Lose weight by limiting the intake of junk foods, highly processed foods and sugary content. A lean body not only prevents common nerve problems, but also gives you a general feeling of wellbeing.

6. Try Traditional Remedies

Traditional Chinese approaches such as acupuncture and yoga can help to get rid of pinched nerve in the shoulder. An acupuncturist inserts tiny needles into strategic places in your shoulder. These relieve the pressure from the pinched nerve, effectively reducing pain.

7. Physical Therapy

Improper sitting or standing posture can cause a pinched nerve not just in the shoulder but also in the upper body. This is especially true for employees who spend most of the day while seated or lifting objects. Consider different working postures or talk to a physical therapist. The expert will recommend a number of postures that relieve pinched nerve in shoulder blade.

8. Take Pain-Relieving Medications

When you experience too much pain, it may be advisable to see a physician. Perhaps the problem is more serious than you originally thought. The doctor will most likely prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs.

Alternatively, visit your local chemist and ask for pain-relievers. Do not be tempted to take more drugs than the physician prescribes. More importantly, take the correct dosage without skipping days. Light stretching of the shoulder may accentuate the drugs to soothe the pinched nerve.

9. Injections

A cortisone injection directly into the problematic shoulder blade may be a remedy for a pinched shoulder nerve. The injection introduces antioxidants that fight the underlying cause of pain. It is advisable to observe the effect of one injection on the body first.

If it has little positive effect, an additional injection may be necessary. Within a few weeks, the pain should go away. If you find that medication and injections do not work, your doctor should discontinue these and prescribe something more advanced.

10. Surgery

Surgery is often the ultimate remedy for pinched nerve shoulder pain. This is especially true if the pain is extreme and when other remedies are ineffective. For this reason, try all other possible approached and treat surgery as the last option. Here, a doctor should do tests to ascertain the underlying problem.

An ordinary X-Ray examination can determine if there is an injury to the shoulder blade or bone. In addition, more scans may determine the structure of the nerve. Ensure that the center you choose is reputable. Find out the experience and expertise of the surgeons. After the procedure, you will need to take a rest of a couple of weeks. Similarly, observe how the pinched nerve responds to the procedure.

The Following Are Additional Approaches:

  • Sleep on a comfortable mattress and use a pillow.
  • Visit a massage center or spa regularly.
  • Take cinnamon, honey, essential oils and other fluids.
  • Take hot showers twice a day to soothe a pinched nerve.
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