6 Ways to Get Rid Of a Wet Cough Fast

Whenever you get affected with flu or common cold then cough can be one of the most probable ailments experienced by you until it can be controlled effectively through various remedies. This cough is normally of two types- dry cough and wet cough. Dry cough usually causes pain and discomfort in your throat instead of containing mucus or phlegm.

But wet cough can cause unpleasant situation sometimes due to the presence of mucus and phlegm. You can get rid of a wet cough by trying various methods but you can control the situation fast by using some of the effective homemade wet cough remedies discussed here under.


1) Drink Lots Of Fluids

The infection causing wet cough can be flushed out easily from your system by drinking lots of water and other fluids. These fluids will make it easier to remove phlegm from your body by loosening it along with keeping your body hydrated for long time. So drinking 8-10 glasses of water and other fluids including fruit and vegetable juices per day can usually be and effective wet cough treatment.

2) Consume Honey With Raw Ginger

This combination can be an effective treatment for persistent wet cough. Ginger helps in getting rid of fungal and bacterial infection in your body due to its antibacterial properties whereas honey helps in getting healed quickly after infection due to its antiseptic properties. In this way both of them help in treating the cough caused by infection along with recovering from the problem quickly. You can mix the juice extracted from a piece of ginger into a tablespoon of honey and drink it after heating it to become lukewarm. In order to get the best results on your wet cough you should repeat the process at least thrice a day. You can also drink ginger tea with honey to stimulate the flow of your phlegm and mucus out of your body.

3) Pepper Consumption

Pepper consumption can help in clearing the blockage in nasal passages, which can increase the chances of wet cough, by stimulating the flow of mucus and irritating sinuses. You can easily get rid of a wet cough fast just by drinking the hot solution of the paste of one teaspoon of black pepper with one table spoon of honey in some water and boiling it. You can also inhale the fumes of black pepper by heating it in a vessel to get rid of your wet cough fast by clearing mucus blockages by stimulating sinuses.

wet cough pictures

4) Drink Onion Syrup

You can also remove mucus from body easily by drinking onion syrup made by mixing one tablespoon of honey in the juice of an onion as the pungent odour of onion helps in thinning the lining of mucus. This wet cough treatment can be repeated 2-3 times a day to get quicker results.

Mash almonds and eat them: Persistent wet cough can be treated effectively by consuming the coarse paste of almonds, soaked overnight and peeled, with some sugar regularly. You should take it at least thrice a day to get the best results on your wet cough very soon.

5) Gargle

Gargles with hot salt water are considered as one of the most effective wet cough remedies that can be used for treating the cough of all types. You can easily loosen the mucus blocking your nasal passages along with reducing the symptoms of wet cough like pain in throat etc. just by gargling with lukewarm saltwater several time a day at regular intervals. You can mix one tablespoon of salt along with some baking soda in a cup of lukewarm water to get effective results by gargling with it. You can relieve the symptoms of wet cough fast by repeating these gargles at least three times per day.

Along with these things to do to get rid of a wet cough fast you should also focus on certain do nots mentioned here under to help in making this process faster.

Effective don’ts for wet cough treatment

  • Do not smoke as it can increase mucus production and irritate sinuses
  • Do not drink cold fluids as it can increase blockage in your nasal passages
  • Do not consume irritating products that can cause persistent cough

Though all of these homemade wet cough remedies are effective but if you still have persistent wet cough then you should consult your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

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